Vizuali za Zemaljski muzej BiH


„Vizuali za Muzej“ (English version below) je art akcija zajedničkog istupa grupe bosanskohercegovačkih umjetnika mlađe i srednje generacije, kreativaca (dizajnera, ilustratora, arhitekata) koji će serijom radova (ilustracijama i vizualima) simbolički podržati inicijativu „Ja sam Muzej“

BANNER ARTWORK: Aleksandra Nina Knežević

Autori će svojim pristupom, stilom i senzibilitetom interpretirati temu „Zemaljski muzej BiH“ koristeći zgradu, detalje kolekcije i eksponate, te ponuditi autorsku grafičku interpretaciju prilagođenu suvremenim tendencijama vizualne komunikacije razumljive svima. Posebno je bitno senzibilizirati mlađu populaciju u Sarajevu i BiH o očuvanju ove institucije i pokazati je i kao mjesto “otvorenih vrata”, bitnu za urbanu cjelinu, za posjetu i uživanje u vrijednim kolekcijama, ali i u jedinstvenoj Botaničkoj bašti u srcu grada.
Vizuali nastali u svrhu kampanje, koja će trajati od 3. augusta, ostat će kao svojevrsna kolekcija Muzeja.  Autori će donirati prava na njihovo korištenje radnicima Muzeja u svrhu izrade prigodnih razglednica, plakata, majica, šolja i ostalih materijala u formi suvenira i nakon isteka kampanje. 

“Visuals for the Museum” is an art action and a joint declaration by a group of BiH artists, designers, illustrators and architects of the younger and middle generations who will create a series of artworks (illustrations and visuals) in symbolic support of the "I am the Museum" initiative.  
The artists will draw inspiration from the Museum building, details from the collection and various artefacts in order to present works on the theme “National Museum of BiH” that will showcase their individual approaches, styles and sensibilities. These works will be in line with contemporary trends in visual communication that are intelligible to the general public. It is particularly crucial to communicate to the younger population in Sarajevo and BiH the importance of protecting this institution and to present it as a welcoming space that is vital for the urban community, a place to visit and enjoy the valuable collections as well as the unique botanical garden in the centre of the city.  
The visuals created for the campaign, which will launch on 3 August, will remain at the Museum as part of its collection.  The artists will donate their rights to Museum employees so that postcards, posters, T-shirts, cups and other souvenirs can continue to be produced even after the campaign is over.