Dežuram za Muzej
„Dežuram za Muzej“ (English version below) je akcija kojom pozivamo na solidarnost sa radnicima Zemaljskog muzeja BiH.
Akcija dežuranja za Muzej dešavat će se svakodnevno tokom mjeseca augusta i septembra.
Na akciji „Dežuram za Muzej“ okupit će se javne ličnosti, kulturni i sportski radnici, akademski radnici, učenici i studenti, te općenito građani i građanki iz cijele BiH i regiona.
Konkretnim činom solidarnosti, oni će poslati poruku o hitnosti rješavanja situacije u kojoj se nalazi Muzej, te pozvati nadležne da prestanu ignorisati katastrofalnu situaciju u kojoj se nalaze radnici Zemaljskog muzeja.
"A Shift for the Museum" is an action where we'd like to invite people to show solidarity with the National Museum of BiH's workers.
The action of guarding the Museum will take place every day during the months of August and September.
"A Shift for the Museum" will gather public persons, cultural and sports workers, academic citizens, high school and university students, as well as the general public from the entire BiH and the region.
Through this concrete act of solidarity, they will send out a message to highlight the urgency of solving the situation that Museum is currently in, as well as invite those responsible to stop ignoring the disastrous situation that the Museum's workers are in.
With "A Shift for the Museum" as active, responsible citizens, we are raising our voice for the rescue of the National Museum of BiH.